Our Commitment to Delaware County

Our Commitment to Delaware County

The Uplands Center, located on 290 acres of sweeping farm and woodlands in Walton NY, serves to provide retreats for groups that care for others or work to advance positive change in the world. While The Uplands is offered to national and international groups, one of our central purposes is to serve Delaware County. We welcome opportunities to collaborate with local groups and regional service organizations seeking a space for team building, strategizing, and renewal.


Retreats and Strategic Gatherings

We are proud to have hosted retreats and strategic gatherings in collaboration with numerous Delaware County organizations, including these groups:


Delaware Opportunities is a social services organization that responds to the needs of citizens of Delaware County through employment services, family development, emergency food pantries, housing assistance, and more.

The ARC of Delaware County helps children and adults with disabilities live personally fulfilling lives through a variety of supports and services including in-home learning, children’s services, adult residential programs, and training and employment.       

Helios Care’s mission is to make life easier for patients and families facing serious illness or end of life by providing choices, dignity, and compassionate care, while offering caregiver support, palliative care, and grief support to citizens of Delaware County.

The Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council of Delaware County (ADAC) is dedicated to the prevention of alcohol and substance abuse by providing education, information, and referral services.

Friends of Recovery of Delaware and Otsego Counties (FORDO) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting addiction recovery through every available means, including advocacy, education and peer support.

Rehabilitation Support Services works to enrich and empower the lives of rehabilitating individuals by providing services and opportunities for meaningful emotional, social, vocational and educational growth.

The Delaware County Rural Healthcare Alliance brings together healthcare-related organizations to share information, conduct assessments, and improve the health of rural New Yorkers.

WIDE (Women for Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity) is a social justice organization that promotes the inclusion and equity of all people in Delaware County through education, community outreach, and activism.



Walton Central School District collaborations

The Uplands is pleased to host these programs annually:

WCSD’s “Advisor Adventure Days” are day-long field trips for 6th and 7th graders. Structured around the goals of team building and bonding, the students engage in outdoor collaborative activities that strengthen leadership skills and communication.

WCSD’s Alternatives to Violence Program (“Crush Connects”), a middle and high school program, aims both to enhance students’ connections to school, their peers, and community and to improve classroom behavior and academic achievement.


Public Programs

Free events are offered to the community such as:

Creative expression art workshops, including “Metamorphosis”, a butterfly art class in collaboration with the William B. Ogden Public Library, and a mandala workshop led by Lara Fassler, WCSD’s high school art teacher.


Garden-to-table meals, in which community members learn about permaculture, harvest produce, and enjoy a garden-fresh supper together.

Immersive and educational nature walks focusing on topics such as wild edible and medicinal plants, birding, winter tree identification, land use history, and mindfulness in nature.

Monthly community yoga classes and Women’s Circles to facilitate connection with self, others, and higher purpose.


To learn more about our community offerings, please visit Events Schedule!


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